1. If you can be an animal, what will u be?
Butterfly...so i can fly anywhere u like...
2. If you robbed a bank, what do you want to do with the money?
Would i? emm xtau.
3. If you can teleport your self anywhere in the world, where do you want to be? why?
Mecca... Nak wat haji n umrah... Insya Allah one day i'll be there.
4. If you know that you are dying, what is the last meal that you want? why?
Tak teringin apa dah aihhh...
5. If you can only kill one person in this world, who is the person? why?
No comment...biarlah rahsia. Tapi siapa lah kita nak bunuh org. Hanya DIA yang berkuasa mengambil nyawa manusia...
6. If you can choose either to have more than 24 hours a day or can live more than 100 years, what is your choice? why? hah?
More than 24hrs!!! just cannot imagine how many hours must i stand with the hot weather in day time. if i can live more than 100 years so aku dapat beribadat sebanyk2nya wat bekalan di 'sana'.
7. If you can date celebrities, who is that person? why?
Jehan Miskin...suka tengok muka dia so cute...
8. If you can only have 1 thing in this world, what should that be? Why?
My family...without them siapalah aku....
9. If you have the opportunity to tag 7 of your friends, who are they? why?
Ejay and Su...siapa lagi aku nak tag itu ja yang ada pun...hehehee